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Friday, December 19, 2003

The Claus Conspiracy

The U.S. is obsessed with telling horrible lies to children. In no other country exists such a conspiracy to make kids believe in something that doesn't exist, like the U.S. makes children believe in Santa Claus. There is nowhere a child can go if he or she wants to know the truth. Their entire families will lie, TV will lie, maybe their teachers will lie too, and even the U.S. department of defense has a "Santa Tracker" that "shows" children where Santa is - using sattelite signal. Can there possibly be anything more demented than that?

I find it pretty criminal to make children believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, God, and other things. Children who believe in Santa grow up to be annoying people who are severely traumatized and will argue you to death over the fact that you "can't prove that there is no Santa". Really, why on earth would a mentally healthy human being think that it's a good thing for children to believe in lies? Maybe so that they can believe the lies that the government and the media feed them later on in life? Perhaps.

But all I can tell you for certain is this: "Santa" written another way spells "Satan". Muah hah hah!