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Monday, March 22, 2004

Don't Tell Me This Isn't Vile

Virgin Atlantic gave up on their plans to install the infamous "Kisses" urinal. And then the accusations that feminists are whiny cry-babies start pouring in. Apparently, the idea of a man urinating inside a woman's mouth is supposed to be "quirky and fun" - despite the fact that the designer claims that "The thought that this urinal only represents a man peeing in a womans mouth, never even occurred to me while making it". She must be the stupidest woman in the planet.

NOW's statement is that it's "It is a symbolic act of degrading and humiliating women". Of course it's degrading, and dehumanizing. It's like a racist joke. Obviously it's not goint to make people get up and join the KKK, but it systematically pushes the idea that it's ok to disrespect and violate a certain group of people's dignity. What would people say if they made a toilet in a women's public washroom look like a man's head? they'd say it's the work of a psychotic "angry lesbian feminist" and it wouldn't be allowed in a million years.

Give me a fucking break. This has nothing to do with lack of sense of humour. I enjoy toilet humour, as you can see, but everything has boundaries. This isn't just humour, this is hate humour. I actually quite like the idea of making my toilet look like my ex's head, but you see - it's because I hate him, not because I think it's "fun and quirky". Is this what we want, as a society, for men to feel towards women? (Like we don't already have enough of that)....