Virgin Atlantic gave up on their plans to install the infamous "Kisses" urinal. And then the accusations that feminists are whiny cry-babies start pouring in. Apparently, the idea of a man urinating inside a woman's mouth is supposed to be "quirky and fun" - despite the fact that the designer claims that "The thought that this urinal only represents a man peeing in a womans mouth, never even occurred to me while making it". She must be the stupidest woman in the planet.
NOW's statement is that it's "It is a symbolic act of degrading and humiliating women". Of course it's degrading, and dehumanizing. It's like a racist joke. Obviously it's not goint to make people get up and join the KKK, but it systematically pushes the idea that it's ok to disrespect and violate a certain group of people's dignity. What would people say if they made a toilet in a women's public washroom look like a man's head? they'd say it's the work of a psychotic "angry lesbian feminist" and it wouldn't be allowed in a million years.
Give me a fucking break. This has nothing to do with lack of sense of humour. I enjoy toilet humour, as you can see, but everything has boundaries. This isn't just humour, this is hate humour. I actually quite like the idea of making my toilet look like my ex's head, but you see - it's because I hate him, not because I think it's "fun and quirky". Is this what we want, as a society, for men to feel towards women? (Like we don't already have enough of that)....