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Saturday, March 20, 2004

Those Who Give Feminism a Bad Name

You know they are out there. Crazy, demented women who call themselves feminists but are an utter embarrassment to the movement - and I'm not talking the likes of Valerie Solanas (the woman who wrote the SCUM manifesto and shot Andy Warhol) - recently someone brought to my attention a certain Sandra Harding, who claims that Newton's Principia Mathematica is a 'rape manual', because "science is a male rape of female nature" [sic].

What. How this kind of nutcase could pass for a feminist is a mystery. The above quote is an anti-feminist statement if I've ever heard one. Is she saying that women aren't capable of understanding and appreciating science just because they are women? Is she saying that the whole field of science is an aggression towards feminine nature? Why? Because it's too rational, and all women are supposed to be irrational morons like her? I hope not.

The runner-up is Ms. Luce Irigaray, who once said that E=mc² is a 'sexed equation' because "it privileges the speed of light over other speeds that are vitally necessary to us". Now that is just daft. Apparently her reason has something to do with the fact that physics deals with things that protrude and become rigid rather than things that ooze fluids.